Mobile Bazaar
Decentralized data services for mobile
While Mobile Access Router (MAR)
centralizes data aggregation and diversity
decisions in the single MAR router, our natural next step was to
explore distributing diversity decisions among wireless users
and mobile devices. This led to our work on a Mobile Bazaar (MoB) -
open market
architecture for collaborative wide-area wireless services, mediated
through economic incentive structures.
Going beyond simple data
aggregation services, the MoB architecture allows arbitrary
application-level service trades between users, e.g., location
determination, time
synchronization, data filtering, etc. Service trades in MoB are managed
through a reputation system called Vito,
which is partly motivated by
eBay's reputation management system in building user confidence in
trades. Here again we demonstrated the benefits of MoB through a full
implementation and deployment.