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generators.h File Reference

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#define GENERATOR_TAG   2
#define TAG_LOG_PKT   1
#define MINFRAG_ALERT_ID   1
#define GENERATOR_SPP_BO   105
#define RPC_FRAG_TRAFFIC   1
#define STREAM4_DATA_ON_SYN   5
#define STREAM4_TTL_EVASION   15
#define STREAM4_EMERGENCY   19
#define STREAM4_SUSPEND   20
#define STREAM4_TCP_NO_ACK   23
#define GENERATOR_SPP_FRAG2   113
#define FRAG2_TEARDROP   2
#define FRAG2_TTL_EVASION   3
#define FRAG2_OVERLAP   4
#define FRAG2_DUPFIRST   5
#define FRAG2_MEM_EXCEED   6
#define FRAG2_OUTOFORDER   7
#define FRAG2_IPOPTIONS   8
#define FRAG2_EMERGENCY   9
#define FRAG2_SUSPEND   10
#define FNORD_NOPSLED   1
#define GENERATOR_SPP_ASN1   115
#define DECODE_BAD_PPPOE   120
#define DECODE_BAD_VLAN   130
#define DECODE_BAD_80211_ETHLLC   133
#define DECODE_BAD_80211_OTHER   134
#define DECODE_BAD_TRH   140
#define DECODE_BAD_TR_ETHLLC   141
#define DECODE_BAD_TR_MR_LEN   142
#define DECODE_BAD_TRHMR   143
#define GENERATOR_SPP_SCAN2   117
#define SCAN_TYPE   1
#define GENERATOR_SPP_CONV   118
#define HI_CLIENT_ASCII   1
#define HI_CLIENT_U_ENCODE   3
#define HI_CLIENT_BASE36   5
#define HI_CLIENT_UTF_8   6
#define HI_CLIENT_DIR_TRAV   11
#define HI_CLIENT_APACHE_WS   12
#define HI_CLIENT_PROXY_USE   17
#define GENERATOR_PSNG   122
#define PSNG_IP_PORTSCAN   9
#define PSNG_IP_PORTSWEEP   11
#define PSNG_UDP_PORTSCAN   17
#define PSNG_OPEN_PORT   27
#define GENERATOR_SMTP   124
#define ARPSPOOF_UNICAST_ARP_REQUEST_STR   "(spp_arpspoof) Unicast ARP request"
#define ARPSPOOF_ETHERFRAME_ARP_MISMATCH_SRC_STR   "(spp_arpspoof) Ethernet/ARP Mismatch request for Source"
#define ARPSPOOF_ETHERFRAME_ARP_MISMATCH_DST_STR   "(spp_arpspoof) Ethernet/ARP Mismatch request for Destination"
#define ARPSPOOF_ARP_CACHE_OVERWRITE_ATTACK_STR   "(spp_arpspoof) Attempted ARP cache overwrite attack"
#define ASN1_INDEFINITE_LENGTH_STR   "(spp_asn1) Indefinite ASN.1 length encoding"
#define ASN1_INVALID_LENGTH_STR   "(spp_asn1) Invalid ASN.1 length encoding"
#define ASN1_OVERSIZED_ITEM_STR   "(spp_asn1) ASN.1 oversized item, possible overflow"
#define ASN1_SPEC_VIOLATION_STR   "(spp_asn1) ASN.1 spec violation, possible overflow"
#define ASN1_DATUM_BAD_LENGTH_STR   "(spp_asn1) ASN.1 Attack: Datum length > packet length"
#define BO_TRAFFIC_DETECT_STR   "(spo_bo) Back Orifice Traffic detected"
#define BO_CLIENT_TRAFFIC_DETECT_STR   "(spo_bo) Back Orifice Client Traffic detected"
#define BO_SERVER_TRAFFIC_DETECT_STR   "(spo_bo) Back Orifice Server Traffic detected"
#define BO_SNORT_BUFFER_ATTACK_STR   "(spo_bo) Back Orifice Snort buffer attack"
#define FNORD_NOPSLED_IA32_STR   "(spp_fnord) Possible Mutated IA32 NOP Sled detected"
#define FNORD_NOPSLED_HPPA_STR   "(spp_fnord) Possible Mutated HPPA NOP Sled detected"
#define FNORD_NOPSLED_SPARC_STR   "(spp_fnord) Possible Mutated SPARC NOP Sled detected"
#define FRAG2_DUPFIRST_STR   "(spp_frag2) Duplicate first fragments"
#define FRAG2_IPOPTIONS_STR   "(spp_frag2) IP Options on Fragmented Packet"
#define FRAG2_OUTOFORDER_STR   "(spp_frag2) Out of order fragments"
#define FRAG2_OVERLAP_STR   "(spp_frag2) Overlapping new fragment (probable fragroute)"
#define FRAG2_OVERSIZE_FRAG_STR   "(spp_frag2) Oversized fragment, probable DoS"
#define FRAG2_TEARDROP_STR   "(spp_frag2) Teardrop attack"
#define FRAG2_TTL_EVASION_STR   "(spp_frag2) TTL Limit Exceeded (reassemble) detection"
#define FRAG2_EMERGENCY_STR   "(spp_frag2) Shifting to Emergency Session Mode"
#define FRAG2_SUSPEND_STR   "(spp_frag2) Shifting to Suspend Mode"
#define GENERATOR_SPP_FRAG3   123
#define FRAG3_IPOPTIONS   1
#define FRAG3_TEARDROP   2
#define FRAG3_SHORT_FRAG   3
#define FRAG3_ANOMALY_ZERO   5
#define FRAG3_ANOMALY_OVLP   8
#define HTTP_DECODE_LARGE_METHOD_STR   "(spp_http_decode) A large HTTP method was received"
#define HTTP_DECODE_MISSING_URI_STR   "(spp_http_decode) HTTP request without URI"
#define HTTP_DECODE_DOUBLE_ENC_STR   "(spp_http_decode) Double Hex Encoding Received"
#define HTTP_DECODE_ILLEGAL_HEX_STR   "(spp_http_decode) Illegal URL hex encoding"
#define HTTP_DECODE_OVERLONG_CHAR_STR   "(spp_http_decode) Overlong Unicode character received"
#define STREAM4_MULTIPLE_ACKED_STR   "(spp_stream4) Multiple Acked Packets (possible fragroute)"
#define STREAM4_DATA_ON_SYN_STR   "(spp_stream4) DATA ON SYN detection"
#define STREAM4_STEALTH_NMAP_FINGERPRINT_STR   "(spp_stream4) NMAP FINGERPRINT (stateful) detection"
#define STREAM4_STEALTH_FULL_XMAS_STR   "(spp_stream4) STEALTH ACTIVITY (Full XMAS scan) detection"
#define STREAM4_STEALTH_SAPU_STR   "(spp_stream4) STEALTH ACTIVITY (SAPU scan) detection"
#define STREAM4_STEALTH_FIN_SCAN_STR   "(spp_stream4) STEALTH ACTIVITY (FIN scan) detection"
#define STREAM4_STEALTH_SYN_FIN_SCAN_STR   "(spp_stream4) STEALTH ACTIVITY (SYN FIN scan) detection"
#define STREAM4_STEALTH_NULL_SCAN_STR   "(spp_stream4) STEALTH ACTIVITY (NULL scan) detection"
#define STREAM4_STEALTH_NMAP_XMAS_SCAN_STR   "(spp_stream4) STEALTH ACTIVITY (XMAS scan) detection"
#define STREAM4_STEALTH_VECNA_SCAN_STR   "(spp_stream4) STEALTH ACTIVITY (Vecna scan) detection"
#define STREAM4_STEALTH_ACTIVITY_STR   "(spp_stream4) STEALTH ACTIVITY (unknown) detection"
#define STREAM4_EVASIVE_RST_STR   "(spp_stream4) possible EVASIVE RST detection"
#define STREAM4_TTL_EVASION_STR   "(spp_stream4) TTL LIMIT Exceeded"
#define STREAM4_EVASIVE_RETRANS_STR   "(spp_stream4) Possible RETRANSMISSION detection"
#define STREAM4_WINDOW_VIOLATION_STR   "(spp_stream4) WINDOW VIOLATION detection"
#define STREAM4_EVASIVE_RETRANS_DATA_STR   "(spp_stream4) TCP CHECKSUM CHANGED ON RETRANSMISSION (possible fragroute) detection"
#define STREAM4_FORWARD_OVERLAP_STR   "(spp_stream4) FORWARD OVERLAP detection"
#define STREAM4_EMERGENCY_STR   "(spp_stream4) Shifting to Emergency Session Mode"
#define STREAM4_SUSPEND_STR   "(spp_stream4) Shifting to Suspend Mode"
#define STREAM4_ZERO_TIMESTAMP_STR   "(spp_stream4) TCP Option Timestamp value of 0"
#define STREAM4_OVERLAP_LIMIT_STR   "(spp_stream4) TCP stream too many overlapping packets"
#define STREAM4_TCP_NO_ACK_STR   "(spp_stream4) Packet in Established TCP stream missing ACK"
#define FRAG3_IPOPTIONS_STR   "(spp_frag3) Inconsistent IP Options on Fragmented Packets"
#define FRAG3_TEARDROP_STR   "(spp_frag3) Teardrop attack"
#define FRAG3_SHORT_FRAG_STR   "(spp_frag3) Short fragment, possible DoS attempt"
#define FRAG3_ANOM_OVERSIZE_STR   "(spp_frag3) Fragment packet ends after defragmented packet"
#define FRAG3_ANOM_ZERO_STR   "(spp_frag3) Zero-byte fragment packet"
#define FRAG3_ANOM_BADSIZE_SM_STR   "(spp_frag3) Bad fragment size, packet size is negative"
#define FRAG3_ANOM_BADSIZE_LG_STR   "(spp_frag3) Bad fragment size, packet size is greater than 65536"
#define FRAG3_ANOM_OVLP_STR   "(spp_frag3) Fragmentation overlap"
#define DECODE_NOT_IPV4_DGRAM_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: Not IPv4 datagram!"
#define DECODE_IPV4_INVALID_HEADER_LEN_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: hlen < IP_HEADER_LEN!"
#define DECODE_IPV4_DGRAM_LT_IPHDR_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: IP dgm len < IP Hdr len!"
#define DECODE_IPV4OPT_BADLEN_STR   "(snort_decoder): Ipv4 Options found with bad lengths"
#define DECODE_IPV4OPT_TRUNCATED_STR   "(snort_decoder): Truncated Ipv4 Options"
#define DECODE_TCP_DGRAM_LT_TCPHDR_STR   "(snort_decoder) TCP packet len is smaller than 20 bytes!"
#define DECODE_TCP_INVALID_OFFSET_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: TCP Data Offset is less than 5!"
#define DECODE_TCP_LARGE_OFFSET_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: TCP Header length exceeds packet length!"
#define DECODE_TCPOPT_BADLEN_STR   "(snort_decoder): Tcp Options found with bad lengths"
#define DECODE_TCPOPT_TRUNCATED_STR   "(snort_decoder): Truncated Tcp Options"
#define DECODE_TCPOPT_TTCP_STR   "(snort_decoder): T/TCP Detected"
#define DECODE_TCPOPT_OBSOLETE_STR   "(snort_decoder): Obsolete TCP Options found"
#define DECODE_TCPOPT_EXPERIMENT_STR   "(snort_decoder): Experimental Tcp Options found"
#define DECODE_UDP_DGRAM_LT_UDPHDR_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: Truncated UDP Header!"
#define DECODE_UDP_DGRAM_INVALID_LENGTH_STR   "(snort_decoder): Invalid UDP header, length field < 8"
#define DECODE_UDP_DGRAM_SHORT_PACKET_STR   "(snort_decoder): Short UDP packet, length field > payload length"
#define DECODE_ICMP_DGRAM_LT_ICMPHDR_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: ICMP Header Truncated!"
#define DECODE_ICMP_DGRAM_LT_TIMESTAMPHDR_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: ICMP Timestamp Header Truncated!"
#define DECODE_ICMP_DGRAM_LT_ADDRHDR_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: ICMP Address Header Truncated!"
#define DECODE_IPV4_DGRAM_UNKNOWN_STR   "(snort_decoder) Unknown Datagram decoding problem!"
#define DECODE_ARP_TRUNCATED_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: Truncated ARP!"
#define DECODE_EAPOL_TRUNCATED_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: Truncated EAP Header!"
#define DECODE_EAPKEY_TRUNCATED_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: EAP Key Truncated!"
#define DECODE_EAP_TRUNCATED_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: EAP Header Truncated!"
#define DECODE_BAD_PPPOE_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: Bad PPPOE frame detected!"
#define DECODE_BAD_VLAN_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: Bad VLAN Frame!"
#define DECODE_BAD_VLAN_ETHLLC_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: Bad LLC header!"
#define DECODE_BAD_VLAN_OTHER_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: Bad Extra LLC Info!"
#define DECODE_BAD_80211_ETHLLC_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: Bad 802.11 LLC header!"
#define DECODE_BAD_80211_OTHER_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: Bad 802.11 Extra LLC Info!"
#define DECODE_BAD_TRH_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: Bad Token Ring Header!"
#define DECODE_BAD_TR_ETHLLC_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: Bad Token Ring ETHLLC Header!"
#define DECODE_BAD_TR_MR_LEN_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: Bad Token Ring MRLENHeader!"
#define DECODE_BAD_TRHMR_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: Bad Token Ring MR Header!"
#define DECODE_BAD_TRAFFIC_LOOPBACK_STR   "(snort decoder) Bad Traffic Loopback IP"
#define DECODE_BAD_TRAFFIC_SAME_SRCDST_STR   "(snort decoder) Bad Traffic Same Src/Dst IP"
#define SCAN2_PREFIX_STR   "(spp_portscan2) Portscan detected from "
#define CONV_BAD_IP_PROTOCOL_STR   "(spp_conversation) Bad IP protocol!"
#define RPC_FRAG_TRAFFIC_STR   "(spp_rpc_decode) Fragmented RPC Records"
#define RPC_MULTIPLE_RECORD_STR   "(spp_rpc_decode) Multiple RPC Records"
#define RPC_LARGE_FRAGSIZE_STR   "(spp_rpc_decode) Large RPC Record Fragment"
#define RPC_INCOMPLETE_SEGMENT_STR   "(spp_rpc_decode) Incomplete RPC segment"
#define RPC_ZERO_LENGTH_FRAGMENT_STR   "(spp_rpc_decode) Zero-length RPC Fragment"
#define PSNG_TCP_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) TCP Portscan"
#define PSNG_TCP_DECOY_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) TCP Decoy Portscan"
#define PSNG_TCP_PORTSWEEP_STR   "(portscan) TCP Portsweep"
#define PSNG_TCP_DISTRIBUTED_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) TCP Distributed Portscan"
#define PSNG_TCP_FILTERED_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) TCP Filtered Portscan"
#define PSNG_TCP_FILTERED_DECOY_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) TCP Filtered Decoy Portscan"
#define PSNG_TCP_FILTERED_DISTRIBUTED_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) TCP Filtered Distributed Portscan"
#define PSNG_TCP_PORTSWEEP_FILTERED_STR   "(portscan) TCP Filtered Portsweep"
#define PSNG_IP_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) IP Protocol Scan"
#define PSNG_IP_DECOY_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) IP Decoy Protocol Scan"
#define PSNG_IP_PORTSWEEP_STR   "(portscan) IP Protocol Sweep"
#define PSNG_IP_DISTRIBUTED_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) IP Distributed Protocol Scan"
#define PSNG_IP_FILTERED_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) IP Filtered Protocol Scan"
#define PSNG_IP_FILTERED_DECOY_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) IP Filtered Decoy Protocol Scan"
#define PSNG_IP_FILTERED_DISTRIBUTED_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) IP Filtered Distributed Protocol Scan"
#define PSNG_IP_PORTSWEEP_FILTERED_STR   "(portscan) IP Filtered Protocol Sweep"
#define PSNG_UDP_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) UDP Portscan"
#define PSNG_UDP_DECOY_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) UDP Decoy Portscan"
#define PSNG_UDP_PORTSWEEP_STR   "(portscan) UDP Portsweep"
#define PSNG_UDP_DISTRIBUTED_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) UDP Distributed Portscan"
#define PSNG_UDP_FILTERED_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) UDP Filtered Portscan"
#define PSNG_UDP_FILTERED_DECOY_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) UDP Filtered Decoy Portscan"
#define PSNG_UDP_FILTERED_DISTRIBUTED_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) UDP Filtered Distributed Portscan"
#define PSNG_UDP_PORTSWEEP_FILTERED_STR   "(portscan) UDP Filtered Portsweep"
#define PSNG_ICMP_PORTSWEEP_STR   "(portscan) ICMP Sweep"
#define PSNG_ICMP_PORTSWEEP_FILTERED_STR   "(portscan) ICMP Filtered Sweep"
#define PSNG_OPEN_PORT_STR   "(portscan) Open Port"
#define CLAMAV_VIRUSFOUND_STR   "(spp_clamav) Virus Found:"

Define Documentation


Definition at line 106 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DetectARPattacks().

#define ARPSPOOF_ARP_CACHE_OVERWRITE_ATTACK_STR   "(spp_arpspoof) Attempted ARP cache overwrite attack"

Definition at line 267 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DetectARPattacks().


Definition at line 105 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DetectARPattacks().

#define ARPSPOOF_ETHERFRAME_ARP_MISMATCH_DST_STR   "(spp_arpspoof) Ethernet/ARP Mismatch request for Destination"

Definition at line 265 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DetectARPattacks().


Definition at line 104 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DetectARPattacks().

#define ARPSPOOF_ETHERFRAME_ARP_MISMATCH_SRC_STR   "(spp_arpspoof) Ethernet/ARP Mismatch request for Source"

Definition at line 263 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DetectARPattacks().


Definition at line 103 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DetectARPattacks().

#define ARPSPOOF_UNICAST_ARP_REQUEST_STR   "(spp_arpspoof) Unicast ARP request"

Definition at line 262 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DetectARPattacks().


Definition at line 128 of file generators.h.

#define ASN1_DATUM_BAD_LENGTH_STR   "(spp_asn1) ASN.1 Attack: Datum length > packet length"

Definition at line 274 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 124 of file generators.h.

#define ASN1_INDEFINITE_LENGTH_STR   "(spp_asn1) Indefinite ASN.1 length encoding"

Definition at line 270 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 125 of file generators.h.

#define ASN1_INVALID_LENGTH_STR   "(spp_asn1) Invalid ASN.1 length encoding"

Definition at line 271 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 126 of file generators.h.

#define ASN1_OVERSIZED_ITEM_STR   "(spp_asn1) ASN.1 oversized item, possible overflow"

Definition at line 272 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 127 of file generators.h.

#define ASN1_SPEC_VIOLATION_STR   "(spp_asn1) ASN.1 spec violation, possible overflow"

Definition at line 273 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 56 of file generators.h.

Referenced by BoFind().

#define BO_CLIENT_TRAFFIC_DETECT_STR   "(spo_bo) Back Orifice Client Traffic detected"

Definition at line 277 of file generators.h.

Referenced by BoFind().


Definition at line 57 of file generators.h.

Referenced by BoFind().

#define BO_SERVER_TRAFFIC_DETECT_STR   "(spo_bo) Back Orifice Server Traffic detected"

Definition at line 278 of file generators.h.

Referenced by BoFind().


Definition at line 58 of file generators.h.

Referenced by BoGetDirection().

#define BO_SNORT_BUFFER_ATTACK_STR   "(spo_bo) Back Orifice Snort buffer attack"

Definition at line 279 of file generators.h.

Referenced by BoGetDirection().


Definition at line 55 of file generators.h.

Referenced by BoFind().

#define BO_TRAFFIC_DETECT_STR   "(spo_bo) Back Orifice Traffic detected"

Definition at line 276 of file generators.h.

Referenced by BoFind().


Definition at line 255 of file generators.h.

#define CLAMAV_VIRUSFOUND_STR   "(spp_clamav) Virus Found:"

Definition at line 445 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 181 of file generators.h.

Referenced by ConvFunc().

#define CONV_BAD_IP_PROTOCOL_STR   "(spp_conversation) Bad IP protocol!"

Definition at line 403 of file generators.h.

Referenced by ConvFunc().


Definition at line 157 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeARP().

#define DECODE_ARP_TRUNCATED_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: Truncated ARP!"

Definition at line 379 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeARP().

#define DECODE_BAD_80211_ETHLLC   133

Definition at line 166 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeIEEE80211Pkt().

#define DECODE_BAD_80211_ETHLLC_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: Bad 802.11 LLC header!"

Definition at line 387 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeIEEE80211Pkt().

#define DECODE_BAD_80211_OTHER   134

Definition at line 167 of file generators.h.

#define DECODE_BAD_80211_OTHER_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: Bad 802.11 Extra LLC Info!"

Definition at line 388 of file generators.h.

#define DECODE_BAD_PPPOE   120

Definition at line 162 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodePPPoEPkt().

#define DECODE_BAD_PPPOE_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: Bad PPPOE frame detected!"

Definition at line 383 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodePPPoEPkt().

#define DECODE_BAD_TR_ETHLLC   141

Definition at line 170 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeTRPkt().

#define DECODE_BAD_TR_ETHLLC_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: Bad Token Ring ETHLLC Header!"

Definition at line 391 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeTRPkt().

#define DECODE_BAD_TR_MR_LEN   142

Definition at line 171 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeTRPkt().

#define DECODE_BAD_TR_MR_LEN_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: Bad Token Ring MRLENHeader!"

Definition at line 392 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeTRPkt().


Definition at line 174 of file generators.h.

Referenced by IPHdrTests().

#define DECODE_BAD_TRAFFIC_LOOPBACK_STR   "(snort decoder) Bad Traffic Loopback IP"

Definition at line 396 of file generators.h.

Referenced by IPHdrTests().


Definition at line 175 of file generators.h.

Referenced by IPHdrTests().

#define DECODE_BAD_TRAFFIC_SAME_SRCDST_STR   "(snort decoder) Bad Traffic Same Src/Dst IP"

Definition at line 397 of file generators.h.

Referenced by IPHdrTests().

#define DECODE_BAD_TRH   140

Definition at line 169 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeTRPkt().

#define DECODE_BAD_TRH_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: Bad Token Ring Header!"

Definition at line 390 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeTRPkt().

#define DECODE_BAD_TRHMR   143

Definition at line 172 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeTRPkt().

#define DECODE_BAD_TRHMR_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: Bad Token Ring MR Header!"

Definition at line 393 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeTRPkt().

#define DECODE_BAD_VLAN   130

Definition at line 163 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeVlan().


Definition at line 164 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeVlan().

#define DECODE_BAD_VLAN_ETHLLC_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: Bad LLC header!"

Definition at line 385 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeVlan().


Definition at line 165 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeVlan().

#define DECODE_BAD_VLAN_OTHER_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: Bad Extra LLC Info!"

Definition at line 386 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeVlan().

#define DECODE_BAD_VLAN_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: Bad VLAN Frame!"

Definition at line 384 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeVlan().


Definition at line 160 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeEAP().

#define DECODE_EAP_TRUNCATED_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: EAP Header Truncated!"

Definition at line 382 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeEAP().


Definition at line 159 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeEapolKey().

#define DECODE_EAPKEY_TRUNCATED_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: EAP Key Truncated!"

Definition at line 381 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeEapolKey().


Definition at line 158 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeEapol().

#define DECODE_EAPOL_TRUNCATED_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: Truncated EAP Header!"

Definition at line 380 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeEapol().


Definition at line 154 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeICMP().

#define DECODE_ICMP_DGRAM_LT_ADDRHDR_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: ICMP Address Header Truncated!"

Definition at line 377 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeICMP().


Definition at line 152 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeICMP().

#define DECODE_ICMP_DGRAM_LT_ICMPHDR_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: ICMP Header Truncated!"

Definition at line 375 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeICMP().


Definition at line 153 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeICMP().

#define DECODE_ICMP_DGRAM_LT_TIMESTAMPHDR_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: ICMP Timestamp Header Truncated!"

Definition at line 376 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeICMP().


Definition at line 134 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeIP().

#define DECODE_IPV4_DGRAM_LT_IPHDR_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: IP dgm len < IP Hdr len!"

Definition at line 355 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeIP().


Definition at line 155 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeICMP().

#define DECODE_IPV4_DGRAM_UNKNOWN_STR   "(snort_decoder) Unknown Datagram decoding problem!"

Definition at line 378 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeICMP().


Definition at line 133 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeIP().

#define DECODE_IPV4_INVALID_HEADER_LEN_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: hlen < IP_HEADER_LEN!"

Definition at line 354 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeIP().


Definition at line 135 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeIPOptions().

#define DECODE_IPV4OPT_BADLEN_STR   "(snort_decoder): Ipv4 Options found with bad lengths"

Definition at line 356 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeIPOptions().


Definition at line 136 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeIPOptions().

#define DECODE_IPV4OPT_TRUNCATED_STR   "(snort_decoder): Truncated Ipv4 Options"

Definition at line 357 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeIPOptions().


Definition at line 132 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeIP().

#define DECODE_NOT_IPV4_DGRAM_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: Not IPv4 datagram!"

Definition at line 353 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeIP().


Definition at line 138 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeTCP().

#define DECODE_TCP_DGRAM_LT_TCPHDR_STR   "(snort_decoder) TCP packet len is smaller than 20 bytes!"

Definition at line 359 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeTCP().


Definition at line 139 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeTCP().

#define DECODE_TCP_INVALID_OFFSET_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: TCP Data Offset is less than 5!"

Definition at line 360 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeTCP().


Definition at line 140 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeTCP().

#define DECODE_TCP_LARGE_OFFSET_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: TCP Header length exceeds packet length!"

Definition at line 361 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeTCP().


Definition at line 142 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeTCPOptions().

#define DECODE_TCPOPT_BADLEN_STR   "(snort_decoder): Tcp Options found with bad lengths"

Definition at line 363 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeTCPOptions().


Definition at line 146 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeTCPOptions().

#define DECODE_TCPOPT_EXPERIMENT_STR   "(snort_decoder): Experimental Tcp Options found"

Definition at line 367 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeTCPOptions().


Definition at line 145 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeTCPOptions().

#define DECODE_TCPOPT_OBSOLETE_STR   "(snort_decoder): Obsolete TCP Options found"

Definition at line 366 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeTCPOptions().


Definition at line 143 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeTCPOptions().

#define DECODE_TCPOPT_TRUNCATED_STR   "(snort_decoder): Truncated Tcp Options"

Definition at line 364 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeTCPOptions().


Definition at line 144 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeTCPOptions().

#define DECODE_TCPOPT_TTCP_STR   "(snort_decoder): T/TCP Detected"

Definition at line 365 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeTCPOptions().


Definition at line 149 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeUDP().

#define DECODE_UDP_DGRAM_INVALID_LENGTH_STR   "(snort_decoder): Invalid UDP header, length field < 8"

Definition at line 372 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeUDP().


Definition at line 148 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeUDP().

#define DECODE_UDP_DGRAM_LT_UDPHDR_STR   "(snort_decoder) WARNING: Truncated UDP Header!"

Definition at line 371 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeUDP().


Definition at line 150 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeUDP().

#define DECODE_UDP_DGRAM_SHORT_PACKET_STR   "(snort_decoder): Short UDP packet, length field > payload length"

Definition at line 373 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeUDP().


Definition at line 47 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 48 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 216 of file generators.h.

Referenced by flowps_generate_flow_event().


Definition at line 217 of file generators.h.

Referenced by flowps_generate_flow_event().


Definition at line 218 of file generators.h.

Referenced by flowps_generate_flow_event().


Definition at line 219 of file generators.h.

Referenced by flowps_generate_flow_event().

#define FNORD_NOPSLED   1

Definition at line 121 of file generators.h.

#define FNORD_NOPSLED_HPPA_STR   "(spp_fnord) Possible Mutated HPPA NOP Sled detected"

Definition at line 282 of file generators.h.

#define FNORD_NOPSLED_IA32_STR   "(spp_fnord) Possible Mutated IA32 NOP Sled detected"

Definition at line 281 of file generators.h.

#define FNORD_NOPSLED_SPARC_STR   "(spp_fnord) Possible Mutated SPARC NOP Sled detected"

Definition at line 283 of file generators.h.

#define FRAG2_DUPFIRST   5

Definition at line 113 of file generators.h.

Referenced by InsertFrag().

#define FRAG2_DUPFIRST_STR   "(spp_frag2) Duplicate first fragments"

Definition at line 285 of file generators.h.

Referenced by InsertFrag().

#define FRAG2_EMERGENCY   9

Definition at line 117 of file generators.h.

Referenced by Frag2Defrag().

#define FRAG2_EMERGENCY_STR   "(spp_frag2) Shifting to Emergency Session Mode"

Definition at line 292 of file generators.h.

Referenced by Frag2Defrag().

#define FRAG2_IPOPTIONS   8

Definition at line 116 of file generators.h.

Referenced by Frag2Defrag().

#define FRAG2_IPOPTIONS_STR   "(spp_frag2) IP Options on Fragmented Packet"

Definition at line 286 of file generators.h.

Referenced by Frag2Defrag().

#define FRAG2_MEM_EXCEED   6

Definition at line 114 of file generators.h.

#define FRAG2_OUTOFORDER   7

Definition at line 115 of file generators.h.

Referenced by Frag2Defrag().

#define FRAG2_OUTOFORDER_STR   "(spp_frag2) Out of order fragments"

Definition at line 287 of file generators.h.

Referenced by Frag2Defrag().

#define FRAG2_OVERLAP   4

Definition at line 112 of file generators.h.

Referenced by InsertFrag().

#define FRAG2_OVERLAP_STR   "(spp_frag2) Overlapping new fragment (probable fragroute)"

Definition at line 288 of file generators.h.

Referenced by InsertFrag().


Definition at line 109 of file generators.h.

Referenced by InsertFrag().

#define FRAG2_OVERSIZE_FRAG_STR   "(spp_frag2) Oversized fragment, probable DoS"

Definition at line 289 of file generators.h.

Referenced by InsertFrag().

#define FRAG2_SUSPEND   10

Definition at line 118 of file generators.h.

Referenced by Frag2Defrag().

#define FRAG2_SUSPEND_STR   "(spp_frag2) Shifting to Suspend Mode"

Definition at line 293 of file generators.h.

Referenced by Frag2Defrag().

#define FRAG2_TEARDROP   2

Definition at line 110 of file generators.h.

Referenced by Frag2Defrag().

#define FRAG2_TEARDROP_STR   "(spp_frag2) Teardrop attack"

Definition at line 290 of file generators.h.

Referenced by Frag2Defrag().

#define FRAG2_TTL_EVASION   3

Definition at line 111 of file generators.h.

Referenced by Frag2Defrag().

#define FRAG2_TTL_EVASION_STR   "(spp_frag2) TTL Limit Exceeded (reassemble) detection"

Definition at line 291 of file generators.h.

Referenced by Frag2Defrag().

#define FRAG3_ANOM_BADSIZE_LG_STR   "(spp_frag3) Bad fragment size, packet size is greater than 65536"

Definition at line 349 of file generators.h.

Referenced by EventAnomBadsizeLg().

#define FRAG3_ANOM_BADSIZE_SM_STR   "(spp_frag3) Bad fragment size, packet size is negative"

Definition at line 348 of file generators.h.

Referenced by EventAnomBadsizeSm().

#define FRAG3_ANOM_OVERSIZE_STR   "(spp_frag3) Fragment packet ends after defragmented packet"

Definition at line 346 of file generators.h.

Referenced by EventAnomOversize().

#define FRAG3_ANOM_OVLP_STR   "(spp_frag3) Fragmentation overlap"

Definition at line 350 of file generators.h.

Referenced by EventAnomOverlap().

#define FRAG3_ANOM_ZERO_STR   "(spp_frag3) Zero-byte fragment packet"

Definition at line 347 of file generators.h.

Referenced by EventAnomZeroFrag().


Definition at line 302 of file generators.h.

Referenced by EventAnomBadsizeLg().


Definition at line 301 of file generators.h.

Referenced by EventAnomBadsizeSm().


Definition at line 299 of file generators.h.

Referenced by EventAnomOversize().

#define FRAG3_ANOMALY_OVLP   8

Definition at line 303 of file generators.h.

Referenced by EventAnomOverlap().

#define FRAG3_ANOMALY_ZERO   5

Definition at line 300 of file generators.h.

Referenced by EventAnomZeroFrag().

#define FRAG3_IPOPTIONS   1

Definition at line 296 of file generators.h.

Referenced by EventAnomIpOpts().

#define FRAG3_IPOPTIONS_STR   "(spp_frag3) Inconsistent IP Options on Fragmented Packets"

Definition at line 343 of file generators.h.

Referenced by EventAnomIpOpts().

#define FRAG3_SHORT_FRAG   3

Definition at line 298 of file generators.h.

Referenced by EventAnomShortFrag().

#define FRAG3_SHORT_FRAG_STR   "(spp_frag3) Short fragment, possible DoS attempt"

Definition at line 345 of file generators.h.

Referenced by EventAnomShortFrag().

#define FRAG3_TEARDROP   2

Definition at line 297 of file generators.h.

Referenced by EventAttackTeardrop().

#define FRAG3_TEARDROP_STR   "(spp_frag3) Teardrop attack"

Definition at line 344 of file generators.h.

Referenced by EventAttackTeardrop().


Definition at line 215 of file generators.h.

Referenced by flowps_generate_flow_event().

#define GENERATOR_PSNG   122

Definition at line 221 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlert(), PortscanAlertIcmp(), PortscanAlertIp(), PortscanAlertTcp(), and PortscanAlertUdp().

#define GENERATOR_SMTP   124

Definition at line 257 of file generators.h.

Referenced by ParseXLink2State().


Definition at line 131 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DecodeARP(), DecodeEAP(), DecodeEapol(), DecodeEapolKey(), DecodeICMP(), DecodeIEEE80211Pkt(), DecodeIP(), DecodeIPOptions(), DecodePPPoEPkt(), DecodeTCP(), DecodeTCPOptions(), DecodeTRPkt(), DecodeUDP(), DecodeVlan(), and IPHdrTests().


Definition at line 23 of file generators.h.

Referenced by ParseRuleOptions().


Definition at line 102 of file generators.h.

Referenced by DetectARPattacks().

#define GENERATOR_SPP_ASN1   115

Definition at line 123 of file generators.h.

#define GENERATOR_SPP_BO   105

Definition at line 54 of file generators.h.

Referenced by BoFind(), and BoGetDirection().


Definition at line 254 of file generators.h.

#define GENERATOR_SPP_CONV   118

Definition at line 180 of file generators.h.

Referenced by ConvFunc().


Definition at line 46 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 120 of file generators.h.

#define GENERATOR_SPP_FRAG2   113

Definition at line 108 of file generators.h.

Referenced by Frag2Defrag(), and InsertFrag().

#define GENERATOR_SPP_FRAG3   123

Definition at line 295 of file generators.h.

Referenced by EventAnomBadsizeLg(), EventAnomBadsizeSm(), EventAnomIpOpts(), EventAnomOverlap(), EventAnomOversize(), EventAnomShortFrag(), EventAnomZeroFrag(), and EventAttackTeardrop().


Definition at line 36 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 212 of file generators.h.

Referenced by LogEvents().


Definition at line 192 of file generators.h.

Referenced by LogEvents().


Definition at line 33 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 28 of file generators.h.

Referenced by AlertIntermediateInfo(), and PortscanPreprocFunction().


Definition at line 60 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PreprocRpcDecode().

#define GENERATOR_SPP_SCAN2   117

Definition at line 177 of file generators.h.

Referenced by SAlert().


Definition at line 50 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 67 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 68 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 77 of file generators.h.

Referenced by CheckRst(), CreateNewSession(), ReassembleStream4(), StoreStreamPkt(), TcpAction(), and TcpActionAsync().


Definition at line 69 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 71 of file generators.h.

#define GENERATOR_TAG   2

Definition at line 25 of file generators.h.

Referenced by CheckTagList(), OldUnifiedLogPacketAlert(), and RealUnifiedLogStreamAlert().


Definition at line 213 of file generators.h.

#define HI_CLIENT_APACHE_WS   12

Definition at line 204 of file generators.h.

#define HI_CLIENT_ASCII   1

Definition at line 193 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 196 of file generators.h.

#define HI_CLIENT_BASE36   5

Definition at line 197 of file generators.h.

#define HI_CLIENT_DIR_TRAV   11

Definition at line 203 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 194 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 201 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 205 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 199 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 208 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 200 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 206 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 207 of file generators.h.

#define HI_CLIENT_PROXY_USE   17

Definition at line 209 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 202 of file generators.h.

#define HI_CLIENT_U_ENCODE   3

Definition at line 195 of file generators.h.

#define HI_CLIENT_UTF_8   6

Definition at line 198 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 210 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 38 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 41 of file generators.h.

#define HTTP_DECODE_DOUBLE_ENC_STR   "(spp_http_decode) Double Hex Encoding Received"

Definition at line 310 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 42 of file generators.h.

#define HTTP_DECODE_ILLEGAL_HEX_STR   "(spp_http_decode) Illegal URL hex encoding"

Definition at line 311 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 39 of file generators.h.

#define HTTP_DECODE_LARGE_METHOD_STR   "(spp_http_decode) A large HTTP method was received"

Definition at line 308 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 40 of file generators.h.

#define HTTP_DECODE_MISSING_URI_STR   "(spp_http_decode) HTTP request without URI"

Definition at line 309 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 43 of file generators.h.

#define HTTP_DECODE_OVERLONG_CHAR_STR   "(spp_http_decode) Overlong Unicode character received"

Definition at line 312 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 37 of file generators.h.

#define MINFRAG_ALERT_ID   1

Definition at line 34 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 30 of file generators.h.

Referenced by AlertIntermediateInfo().


Definition at line 29 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanPreprocFunction().


Definition at line 31 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanPreprocFunction().


Definition at line 249 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertIcmp().


Definition at line 250 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertIcmp().

#define PSNG_ICMP_PORTSWEEP_FILTERED_STR   "(portscan) ICMP Filtered Sweep"

Definition at line 441 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertIcmp().

#define PSNG_ICMP_PORTSWEEP_STR   "(portscan) ICMP Sweep"

Definition at line 440 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertIcmp().


Definition at line 232 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertIp().

#define PSNG_IP_DECOY_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) IP Decoy Protocol Scan"

Definition at line 423 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertIp().


Definition at line 234 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertIp().

#define PSNG_IP_DISTRIBUTED_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) IP Distributed Protocol Scan"

Definition at line 425 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertIp().


Definition at line 236 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertIp().

#define PSNG_IP_FILTERED_DECOY_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) IP Filtered Decoy Protocol Scan"

Definition at line 427 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertIp().


Definition at line 238 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertIp().

#define PSNG_IP_FILTERED_DISTRIBUTED_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) IP Filtered Distributed Protocol Scan"

Definition at line 428 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertIp().


Definition at line 235 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertIp().

#define PSNG_IP_FILTERED_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) IP Filtered Protocol Scan"

Definition at line 426 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertIp().

#define PSNG_IP_PORTSCAN   9

Definition at line 231 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertIp().

#define PSNG_IP_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) IP Protocol Scan"

Definition at line 422 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertIp().

#define PSNG_IP_PORTSWEEP   11

Definition at line 233 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertIp().


Definition at line 237 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertIp().

#define PSNG_IP_PORTSWEEP_FILTERED_STR   "(portscan) IP Filtered Protocol Sweep"

Definition at line 429 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertIp().

#define PSNG_IP_PORTSWEEP_STR   "(portscan) IP Protocol Sweep"

Definition at line 424 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertIp().

#define PSNG_OPEN_PORT   27

Definition at line 252 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlert(), and PortscanAlertTcp().

#define PSNG_OPEN_PORT_STR   "(portscan) Open Port"

Definition at line 443 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlert(), and PortscanAlertTcp().


Definition at line 223 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertTcp().

#define PSNG_TCP_DECOY_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) TCP Decoy Portscan"

Definition at line 414 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertTcp().


Definition at line 225 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertTcp().

#define PSNG_TCP_DISTRIBUTED_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) TCP Distributed Portscan"

Definition at line 416 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertTcp().


Definition at line 227 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertTcp().

#define PSNG_TCP_FILTERED_DECOY_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) TCP Filtered Decoy Portscan"

Definition at line 418 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertTcp().


Definition at line 229 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertTcp().

#define PSNG_TCP_FILTERED_DISTRIBUTED_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) TCP Filtered Distributed Portscan"

Definition at line 419 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertTcp().


Definition at line 226 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertTcp().

#define PSNG_TCP_FILTERED_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) TCP Filtered Portscan"

Definition at line 417 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertTcp().


Definition at line 222 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertTcp().

#define PSNG_TCP_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) TCP Portscan"

Definition at line 413 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertTcp().


Definition at line 224 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertTcp().


Definition at line 228 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertTcp().

#define PSNG_TCP_PORTSWEEP_FILTERED_STR   "(portscan) TCP Filtered Portsweep"

Definition at line 420 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertTcp().

#define PSNG_TCP_PORTSWEEP_STR   "(portscan) TCP Portsweep"

Definition at line 415 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertTcp().


Definition at line 241 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertUdp().

#define PSNG_UDP_DECOY_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) UDP Decoy Portscan"

Definition at line 432 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertUdp().


Definition at line 243 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertUdp().

#define PSNG_UDP_DISTRIBUTED_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) UDP Distributed Portscan"

Definition at line 434 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertUdp().


Definition at line 245 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertUdp().

#define PSNG_UDP_FILTERED_DECOY_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) UDP Filtered Decoy Portscan"

Definition at line 436 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertUdp().


Definition at line 247 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertUdp().

#define PSNG_UDP_FILTERED_DISTRIBUTED_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) UDP Filtered Distributed Portscan"

Definition at line 437 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertUdp().


Definition at line 244 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertUdp().

#define PSNG_UDP_FILTERED_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) UDP Filtered Portscan"

Definition at line 435 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertUdp().

#define PSNG_UDP_PORTSCAN   17

Definition at line 240 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertUdp().

#define PSNG_UDP_PORTSCAN_STR   "(portscan) UDP Portscan"

Definition at line 431 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertUdp().


Definition at line 242 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertUdp().


Definition at line 246 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertUdp().

#define PSNG_UDP_PORTSWEEP_FILTERED_STR   "(portscan) UDP Filtered Portsweep"

Definition at line 438 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertUdp().

#define PSNG_UDP_PORTSWEEP_STR   "(portscan) UDP Portsweep"

Definition at line 433 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PortscanAlertUdp().

#define RPC_FRAG_TRAFFIC   1

Definition at line 61 of file generators.h.

Referenced by ConvertRPC(), and PreprocRpcDecode().

#define RPC_FRAG_TRAFFIC_STR   "(spp_rpc_decode) Fragmented RPC Records"

Definition at line 406 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PreprocRpcDecode().


Definition at line 64 of file generators.h.

Referenced by ConvertRPC(), and PreprocRpcDecode().

#define RPC_INCOMPLETE_SEGMENT_STR   "(spp_rpc_decode) Incomplete RPC segment"

Definition at line 409 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PreprocRpcDecode().


Definition at line 63 of file generators.h.

Referenced by ConvertRPC(), and PreprocRpcDecode().

#define RPC_LARGE_FRAGSIZE_STR   "(spp_rpc_decode) Large RPC Record Fragment"

Definition at line 408 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PreprocRpcDecode().


Definition at line 62 of file generators.h.

Referenced by ConvertRPC(), and PreprocRpcDecode().

#define RPC_MULTIPLE_RECORD_STR   "(spp_rpc_decode) Multiple RPC Records"

Definition at line 407 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PreprocRpcDecode().


Definition at line 65 of file generators.h.

Referenced by ConvertRPC(), and PreprocRpcDecode().

#define RPC_ZERO_LENGTH_FRAGMENT_STR   "(spp_rpc_decode) Zero-length RPC Fragment"

Definition at line 410 of file generators.h.

Referenced by PreprocRpcDecode().

#define SCAN2_PREFIX_STR   "(spp_portscan2) Portscan detected from "

Definition at line 400 of file generators.h.

Referenced by SAlert().

#define SCAN_TYPE   1

Definition at line 178 of file generators.h.

Referenced by SAlert().


Definition at line 52 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 51 of file generators.h.

#define STREAM4_DATA_ON_SYN   5

Definition at line 82 of file generators.h.

Referenced by TcpAction(), and TcpActionAsync().

#define STREAM4_DATA_ON_SYN_STR   "(spp_stream4) DATA ON SYN detection"

Definition at line 317 of file generators.h.

Referenced by TcpAction(), and TcpActionAsync().

#define STREAM4_EMERGENCY   19

Definition at line 96 of file generators.h.

Referenced by ReassembleStream4().

#define STREAM4_EMERGENCY_STR   "(spp_stream4) Shifting to Emergency Session Mode"

Definition at line 336 of file generators.h.

Referenced by ReassembleStream4().


Definition at line 80 of file generators.h.

Referenced by StoreStreamPkt().


Definition at line 93 of file generators.h.

Referenced by StoreStreamPkt().

#define STREAM4_EVASIVE_RETRANS_DATA_STR   "(spp_stream4) TCP CHECKSUM CHANGED ON RETRANSMISSION (possible fragroute) detection"

Definition at line 331 of file generators.h.

Referenced by StoreStreamPkt().


Definition at line 94 of file generators.h.

Referenced by StoreStreamPkt().


Definition at line 334 of file generators.h.

Referenced by StoreStreamPkt().

#define STREAM4_EVASIVE_RETRANS_STR   "(spp_stream4) Possible RETRANSMISSION detection"

Definition at line 329 of file generators.h.

Referenced by StoreStreamPkt().


Definition at line 79 of file generators.h.

Referenced by CheckRst().

#define STREAM4_EVASIVE_RST_STR   "(spp_stream4) possible EVASIVE RST detection"

Definition at line 327 of file generators.h.

Referenced by CheckRst().


Definition at line 91 of file generators.h.

Referenced by StoreStreamPkt().

#define STREAM4_FORWARD_OVERLAP_STR   "(spp_stream4) FORWARD OVERLAP detection"

Definition at line 333 of file generators.h.

Referenced by StoreStreamPkt().


Definition at line 95 of file generators.h.

#define STREAM4_MULTIPLE_ACKED_STR   "(spp_stream4) Multiple Acked Packets (possible fragroute)"

Definition at line 316 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 99 of file generators.h.

Referenced by ReassembleStream4().

#define STREAM4_OVERLAP_LIMIT_STR   "(spp_stream4) TCP stream too many overlapping packets"

Definition at line 339 of file generators.h.

Referenced by ReassembleStream4().


Definition at line 78 of file generators.h.

Referenced by CreateNewSession().

#define STREAM4_STEALTH_ACTIVITY_STR   "(spp_stream4) STEALTH ACTIVITY (unknown) detection"

Definition at line 326 of file generators.h.

Referenced by CreateNewSession().


Definition at line 85 of file generators.h.

Referenced by CreateNewSession().

#define STREAM4_STEALTH_FIN_SCAN_STR   "(spp_stream4) STEALTH ACTIVITY (FIN scan) detection"

Definition at line 321 of file generators.h.

Referenced by CreateNewSession().


Definition at line 83 of file generators.h.

Referenced by CreateNewSession().

#define STREAM4_STEALTH_FULL_XMAS_STR   "(spp_stream4) STEALTH ACTIVITY (Full XMAS scan) detection"

Definition at line 319 of file generators.h.

Referenced by CreateNewSession().


Definition at line 89 of file generators.h.

Referenced by TcpAction(), and TcpActionAsync().

#define STREAM4_STEALTH_NMAP_FINGERPRINT_STR   "(spp_stream4) NMAP FINGERPRINT (stateful) detection"

Definition at line 318 of file generators.h.

Referenced by TcpAction(), and TcpActionAsync().


Definition at line 87 of file generators.h.

Referenced by CreateNewSession().

#define STREAM4_STEALTH_NMAP_XMAS_SCAN_STR   "(spp_stream4) STEALTH ACTIVITY (XMAS scan) detection"

Definition at line 324 of file generators.h.

Referenced by CreateNewSession().


Definition at line 86 of file generators.h.

Referenced by CreateNewSession().

#define STREAM4_STEALTH_NULL_SCAN_STR   "(spp_stream4) STEALTH ACTIVITY (NULL scan) detection"

Definition at line 323 of file generators.h.

Referenced by CreateNewSession().


Definition at line 84 of file generators.h.

Referenced by CreateNewSession().

#define STREAM4_STEALTH_SAPU_STR   "(spp_stream4) STEALTH ACTIVITY (SAPU scan) detection"

Definition at line 320 of file generators.h.

Referenced by CreateNewSession().


Definition at line 90 of file generators.h.

Referenced by CreateNewSession().

#define STREAM4_STEALTH_SYN_FIN_SCAN_STR   "(spp_stream4) STEALTH ACTIVITY (SYN FIN scan) detection"

Definition at line 322 of file generators.h.

Referenced by CreateNewSession().


Definition at line 88 of file generators.h.

Referenced by CreateNewSession().

#define STREAM4_STEALTH_VECNA_SCAN_STR   "(spp_stream4) STEALTH ACTIVITY (Vecna scan) detection"

Definition at line 325 of file generators.h.

Referenced by CreateNewSession().

#define STREAM4_SUSPEND   20

Definition at line 97 of file generators.h.

Referenced by ReassembleStream4().

#define STREAM4_SUSPEND_STR   "(spp_stream4) Shifting to Suspend Mode"

Definition at line 337 of file generators.h.

Referenced by ReassembleStream4().

#define STREAM4_TCP_NO_ACK   23

Definition at line 100 of file generators.h.

Referenced by StoreStreamPkt().

#define STREAM4_TCP_NO_ACK_STR   "(spp_stream4) Packet in Established TCP stream missing ACK"

Definition at line 340 of file generators.h.

Referenced by StoreStreamPkt().

#define STREAM4_TTL_EVASION   15

Definition at line 92 of file generators.h.

Referenced by StoreStreamPkt().

#define STREAM4_TTL_EVASION_STR   "(spp_stream4) TTL LIMIT Exceeded"

Definition at line 328 of file generators.h.

Referenced by StoreStreamPkt().


Definition at line 81 of file generators.h.

Referenced by StoreStreamPkt().

#define STREAM4_WINDOW_VIOLATION_STR   "(spp_stream4) WINDOW VIOLATION detection"

Definition at line 330 of file generators.h.

Referenced by StoreStreamPkt().


Definition at line 98 of file generators.h.

Referenced by StoreStreamPkt().

#define STREAM4_ZERO_TIMESTAMP_STR   "(spp_stream4) TCP Option Timestamp value of 0"

Definition at line 338 of file generators.h.

Referenced by StoreStreamPkt().

#define TAG_LOG_PKT   1

Definition at line 26 of file generators.h.

Referenced by CheckTagList(), OldUnifiedLogPacketAlert(), and RealUnifiedLogStreamAlert().


Definition at line 72 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 73 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 75 of file generators.h.


Definition at line 74 of file generators.h.

Generated on Sun May 14 14:51:23 2006 by  doxygen 1.4.2