Supervision Information (2003-04)

For scheduling supervisions, e-mail in within your group and CC me as well. Once we have all agreed to a time, I can then book a room for our discussion. It would be nice if each of you can e-mail me separately the list of issues you find most obscure. This way, we can filter out issues that can eventually contribute to our available time. Just to start with get hold of past questions papers, that will give you a reasonable idea where and what to look for before pinning issues of investigation.

General Info:

1. You may like to go through as many books or papers as possible.
2. You are encouraged to put forth any new ideas or comments that you find relevant and on points       you may want to differ.
3. All sorts of inductive (or mathematical) reasoning are welcome.
4. Its good to discuss with your peers, however, a blind copy (or even sort of) of someones ideas         will be taken into negative.
5. Please handover your answersheets anytime before or during your next supervision.
6. Your efforts to attempt questions from the assigments yet to be lectured will be really appreciated!
7. To know more about your group members of yr. 2003-04 course, see below.

For Michealmas Term:

I am supervising DC-II this term. A prerequisite for this course is DC-I, so I would suggest skimming through the DC-I notes, at least once. If you are in need of the DC-II lecture slides, just click here. In addition to these slides, you might also need slides from Prof. Jon Crowcroft's and Dr. Ian Pratt's lecture as also the past question papers. Feel free to get in touch, if you have any question and if I can help.

Assignment 1

Paper 1 [download(pdf)]

Paper 2 [download(pdf)]

Paper 3 [download(pdf)]

Assignment 2

Paper 1 [download(pdf)]

Paper 2 [download(pdf)]

Paper 3 [download(pdf)]

Assignment 3

Paper 1 [download(pdf)]

Paper 2 [download(pdf)]

Paper 3 [download(pdf)]

Extra Reading/Pointers/Papers/Handouts

A good list of papers/RFCs for extra reading are available with your lecture handouts. Search citeceer/google/ Vangelis also keeps a list of very useful pointers. Even otherwise, feel free to e-mail me for queries related to DC-II.

Groups for DC-II course

Status: (# of supervisions: 3 per group)

Group 1:     Benjamin John Spiller (BJS31), Christopher GoodFellow (CJRG3)
Group 2:     Rui Wang (RW263), Lewis Gideon Westbury (LGW21), David Martin (dpm28)
Group 3:     Janko Nedic (JN235), Raghav Kapoor (RK282)

For the Lent term:

For Introduction to Security course, here's a link to the course and past question  papers. Intended two supervisions per group (see below).

Assignment  1 (before 1st supervision):

Paper 1 [download(pdf)]

Paper 2 [download(pdf)]

Assignment # 2 (before or  2nd supervision):

Paper 1 [download(pdf)]

Paper 2 [download(pdf)]

Groups for Introduction to Security Course:

Group 1:     Chiho Kitahara (ck299), Aya Yoshimura (ay250)
Group 2:     Martin Richards (mtr26), Leo (cyls), Ashley Wood (aww28)
Group 3:     Gavin Jackson (glj20), Ed Curry (ewjc2)