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00001 using System;
00002 using System.Collections;
00003 using System.Net;
00004 using Microsoft.Win32;
00006 namespace ProtocolStack
00007 {
00011         public class IPMapper : System.Collections.DictionaryBase
00012         {
00016                 public IPMapper(StackInterface thisStack) : base() {
00017                         // add server IP address
00018                         IPAddress hostIP = thisStack.settings.ServerIP;
00019                         Console.Write("Server IP Address (ENTER Selects [{0}]): ", hostIP.ToString());
00020                         string serverIPString = Console.ReadLine();
00021                         if (serverIPString == "") { serverIPString = hostIP.ToString(); }
00022                         IPAddress myServerIP = IPAddress.Parse(serverIPString);
00023                         this.AddMapping(0, myServerIP);
00025                         // add client IP address
00026                         IPAddress defaultAddress = thisStack.settings.ClientIP;
00027                         Console.Write("GPRS Phone (Client) Address (Enter Selects [{0}]): ", defaultAddress.ToString());
00028                         string gprsIPstring = Console.ReadLine();
00029                         if (gprsIPstring == "") { gprsIPstring = defaultAddress.ToString(); }
00030                         this.AddMapping(1, IPAddress.Parse(gprsIPstring)); // GPRS Testing
00031                 } 
00033                 public IPAddress Lookup(ushort deviceID) {
00034                         if (Dictionary.Contains(deviceID)) {
00035                                 return (IPAddress)Dictionary[deviceID];
00036                         } else {
00037                                 throw new IPMappingNotFoundException(String.Format("IP Mapping for Device {0} not found", deviceID));
00038                         }
00039                 }
00041                 public void AddMapping(ushort deviceID, IPAddress ipAddress) {
00042                         try {
00043                                 Dictionary[deviceID] = ipAddress; // this way we update any old mappings
00044                         } catch (Exception ex) {
00045                                 throw new IPMappingException("Unable to Add mappting to IP Mapper", ex);
00046                         }
00047                 }
00048         }
00050         public class IPMappingException : ApplicationException {
00051                 public IPMappingException() : base() {}
00052                 public IPMappingException(string message) : base(message) {}
00053                 public IPMappingException(string message, Exception innerException) : base(message, innerException) {}
00054         }
00056         public class IPMappingNotFoundException : IPMappingException {
00057                 public IPMappingNotFoundException() : base() {}
00058                 public IPMappingNotFoundException(string message) : base(message) {}
00059                 public IPMappingNotFoundException(string message, Exception innerException) : base(message, innerException) {}
00060         };
00063         /*************************************************************************/
00064         public class StackSettings {
00065                 public StackSettings() {
00066                         LoadFromReg();
00067                         //throw new NotImplementedException("Stack Settings not implemented");
00068                 }
00074                 private int myDeviceID = -1 ;
00079                 public ushort MyDeviceID {
00080                         get { if (myDeviceID >= 0) {
00081                                           return (ushort)myDeviceID; 
00082                                   } else {
00083                                           throw new ApplicationException("Unable to fetch Device ID for stack - no device ID set");
00084                                   }
00085                         } 
00086                         set { myDeviceID = value;}
00087                 }
00092                 public int ClientReceivePortNumber {
00093                         get { return 30481; }
00094                 }
00095                 private int clientRxPortNum; 
00100                 public int ClientSendFromPortNumber {
00101                         get { return 12346; }
00102                 }
00107                 public int ServerSendFromPortNumber {
00108                         get { return 12345; }
00109                 }
00114                 public int ServerReceivePortNumber {
00115                         get { return 30481; }
00116                 }
00117                 private int serverRxPortNum;
00119                 private void LoadFromReg() {
00120                         // Opens registry 
00121                         RegistryKey regKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software\\University of Cambridge\\GPRSWeb", true);
00122                         myDeviceID = (int)regKey.GetValue("DeviceID", -1); 
00123                         defaultBDP = (int)regKey.GetValue("DefaultBDP", -1);
00124                         interAckableTime = (int)regKey.GetValue("InterAckableTime", -1);
00125                         firstAckableTime = (int)regKey.GetValue("FirstAckableTime", -1);
00126                         ackArrivalTimeout = (int)regKey.GetValue("AckArrivalTimeout", -1);
00127                         serverIP = (string)regKey.GetValue("ServerIP", "");
00128                         clientIP = (string)regKey.GetValue("ClientIP", "");
00129                         clientRxPortNum = (int)regKey.GetValue("ClientRxPort", -1);
00130                         serverRxPortNum = (int)regKey.GetValue("ServerRxPort", -1);
00131                 }
00133                 private int defaultBDP;
00134                 public int DefaultBandwidthDelayProdut {
00135                         get { 
00136                                 if (defaultBDP >= 0) {
00137                                         return defaultBDP; 
00138                                 } else {
00139                                         throw new ApplicationException("Unable to fetch Default Bandwidth Deplay Product - not set");
00140                                 }
00141                         }
00142                 }
00144                 private int interAckableTime;
00145                 public int InterAckableTime {
00146                         get { 
00147                                 if (interAckableTime >= 0) {
00148                                         return interAckableTime; 
00149                                 } else {
00150                                         throw new ApplicationException("Unable to fetch InterAckableTime - not set");
00151                                 }
00152                         }
00153                 }
00155                 private int firstAckableTime;
00156                 public int FirstAckableTime {
00157                         get { 
00158                                 if (firstAckableTime >= 0) {
00159                                         return firstAckableTime; 
00160                                 } else {
00161                                         throw new ApplicationException("Unable to fetch FirstAckableTime - not set");
00162                                 }
00163                         }
00164                 }
00166                 private int ackArrivalTimeout;
00167                 public int AckArrivalTimeout {
00168                         get { 
00169                                 if (ackArrivalTimeout >= 0) {
00170                                         return ackArrivalTimeout; 
00171                                 } else {
00172                                         throw new ApplicationException("Unable to fetch AckArrivalTimeout- not set");
00173                                 }
00174                         }
00175                 }
00177                 private string serverIP;
00178                 public IPAddress ServerIP {
00179                         get {
00180                                 try {
00181                                         return IPAddress.Parse(serverIP);
00182                                 } catch (Exception ex) {
00183                                         throw new ApplicationException("Unable to fetch Server IP", ex);
00184                                 }
00185                         }
00186                 }
00188                 private string clientIP;
00189                 public IPAddress ClientIP {
00190                         get {
00191                                 try {
00192                                         return IPAddress.Parse(clientIP);
00193                                 } catch (Exception ex) {
00194                                         throw new ApplicationException("Unable to fetch Client IP", ex);
00195                                 }
00196                         }
00197                 }
00202                 public ushort SERVER_DEVICE_ID {
00203                         get { return 0; }
00204                 }
00206         }
00207 }

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